Table of Contents
SDS@HD Speichervorhaben (SV)
Our actively used data, such as raw sequencing data and processed data are generally stored on the SDS@HD service of the University.
Registration for the SV
You will first need a university ID, then you can register for the access to our data storage service at:
Use acronym: sd17d003, password: f4XFIrMNn
SD17D003 is the ID of our Speichervorhaben (SV), under which our data are stored.
Data structure
We can broadly classify our data as raw data and processed data. Raw data include e.g. the output of the sequencing runs, or raw images. Processed data are results of (pre-)proccessing steps (filtering, alignments) and analyses (tables, R/Python objects).
Raw data
- Sequencing raw data are stored in the subfolder NextSeq; This folder should only contain folders of sequencing runs, usually named in the format of the NextSeq sequencer (e.g. 240209_NB551333_0109_AH2HHLBGXW) and the results of the demultiplexing, which are by default stored within the sequencing run folders.
Processed data
- CellRanger results or more generally alignments of single cell or single nucleus sequencing data are stored in the subfolder SingleNucDB. The data there should be organized by organism and then organ, if possible (e.g. SingleNucDB/HUM/Ovary/).
- Results of the snATAC-seq pipeline created by Ioannis and Nils are stored in the pipeliner/atac subfolder. The data are organized by project.
Is this still in use, should it be somehow integrated with the SingleNucDB?
Guidelines for storing data and naming conventions.
A section for data stored by (previous) lab members, with descriptions of content.
Backup data
All data in the SDS is backed up on a daily basis and stored in snapshots. These can be accessed from the sds/sd17d003 folder by accessing the hidden directory .snapshots. Users can access older versions of the storage and retrieve/copy any files they may want to recover.