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From pools to the Gerda sequencer

How to load the Nextseq 550 sequencing machine once you have the sequencing pool ready


  • Unfreeze the Pool, PhiX, Flowcell, HT1 and Reagent Cartridge (Illumina)
  • HT1 and Reagent Cartridge can thawed in water to save some time.
  • Take 2 empty 1,5ml Tubes and dilute NaOH(dilute to 0.2N) and Tris (dilute to 200 nM) with UltraPure Water (total 100µl dilution).
  • Take 2 empty 1,5 ml Tubes for Denaturation and final Dilution.
  • Denaturation: mix 5µl the ~ 4nM Pool and 5 µl freshly diluted 0.2N NaOH
  • Vortex briefly and then centrifuge at 280x g for 1 minute
  • Incubate at room temperature for 5 minutes
  • Add 5 µl Tris-HCl, pH 7
  • Vortex briefly and then centrifuge at 280x g for 1 minute
  • Dilute denatured Pool to 20 pM with prechilled HT1. How much HT1 you need depends on the pool conc. (see in Pooling sheet)
  • Vortex briefly and then centrifuge at 280x g for 1 minute
  • Place the 20 pM pools on ice until you are ready to proceed to final dilution
/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/wetlab/sequencing.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/18 12:36 by xuefeiyuan

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