RNeasy Kits
The general protocol is available on the official webpage.
Refer to the catalog number of the kit you're planning to use.
Below are modifications of the lab for the protocol:
- For tissue lysis, RLT buffer is used with 2M DTT (1:50)
- If you have cells, frozen in lysis buffer, use: 1V cells in lysis buffer + 3.5V RLT buffer + 2.5V 100% EtOH (standard volumes: 200uL lysate + 700uL RLT + 500uL 100% EtOH
- 1.5V of 70% EtOH (or 100% EtOH as in the step above) are added to the sample before the first loading to the column (instead of 1V)
- For washes RWT buffer is used (instead of RW1)
- The wash before and the DNAse treatment itself are optional
/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/wetlab/rna_extr/qiagen.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/16 09:28 by sasha