Things to do
- At least 2 months before: Check if the protocol needs adjustments (e.g. shortening needed due to holidays) and get in touch with the teaching lab to communicate any adjustments or simply that we will keep it as last year. Ask them if they updated anything major in their version of the protocol. Find out what they prepare and what we have to prepare.
- Order anything we might need. Previously we had to order the DIG labeling kit (probe synthesis for southern blot), the hybridization buffer (southern blot) and everything needed for the qPCR.
- Get an updated list of participants from Andrea Wolk andrea.wolk@urz.uni-heidelberg.de.
- Set up a new moodle course (https://moodle.uni-heidelberg.de/login/index.php). We don't have the rights to create a new course, so it has to be created by either Victor Winter (Winter@uni-heidelberg.de) or Andrea Wolk. They can set a selection of people as “teachers” who can edit the moodle page. The rest can sign up to access material.
- Book rooms for seminars. Konny from the ZMBH teaching office (lehrsekretariat@zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de) or Kathrin (office-kaessmann@zmbh.uni-heidelberg.de) can help with that. We have two seminars, for which laptops and internet connection are needed (“bioinfo” seminars), rooms in bioquant are good for those.
- Inform Henrik about the date and time of his seminar
- Send an email to the students, announcing when and where the practical starts, that it will mostly be held in english, what they need to bring and that they should set up an account on https://www.benchling.com/ and get back to us with the email address they used for that, so we can add them to the benchling projects.
- Prepare any material needed for the practical (Agar plates, grow pre-cultures etc.). For timing check google sheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1nEGje9wYdVfl47BUiNjm8rXkCGoqWN04pjA-yxV8ojo/edit?pli=1#gid=971635489
/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/teaching/orga.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/22 15:19 by bassi