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The practical is graded as follows:

  • 40% exam
  • 40% protocol
  • 20% “performance” - as long as they turn up and don't set the lab on fire, we usually give full points here

We use the normal biology bachelor grading system as indicated on the university website biology grading

Usually takes place on the last Friday of the practical. We give the students ~ 2h to complete the exam. We prepare them for the exam by working through the exercises in the beginning of the script (calculation exercises), an extra cloning exercise (on ngkaessmann) and by detailed recap of everything they should know in the seminar on the day before. Previous exams can be found on ngkaessmann.

We usually gave them 4-6 weeks to complete the protocol. They have some guidelines on how to write the protocol in their script, the rest should be detailed in the recap seminar. There are guidelines on how to grade protocols on ngkaessmann > 05_Teaching > Wet-lab-BSc-practical > General. Briefly, we give points for completeness and content.

When everything is graded
Let the students know their grades and give them the opportunity to discuss before finalizing the grades. We need to send a list of grades to the teaching secretary (Cornelia “Konny” Mack, She will forward the grades to the examination office and will let accounting know, so we receive some money per student. The form to submit grades can be found on ngkaessmann > 05_Teaching > Wet-lab-BSc-practical > General

/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/teaching/grading.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/22 15:25 by bassi

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