Meet the admin staff (Kathrin Hall, Alexandra Hepp, Cordula Ackermann, HR/Personalbüro, Accounting, INF 329, ground floor) – get “blaue Laufkarte”).
Find out if and what you will be teaching.
Consider whether you need an animal course.
Consider whether you need a German class.
Find out if you need S2 safety briefing.
Introduce yourself to the Spülküche (INF 329, basement + INF 345, 1st floor)
Get a Uni ID.
Get key from “Hausmeisterservice” in INF 330 for Lesesaal.
Get a Mensa Card
Consider if you need a Job Ticket (for cheaper public transport)
Arrange to get your picture taken (Kathrin Hall) and write a short introduction about yourself for the
lab homepage.