Onboarding Wet Lab
- Meet Céline and Julia (INF329, 1st floor, far left door)
- Meet other wetlab people (teaching lab & Duarte Campos group, lab service, Angret)
- Get keycard (from Sybille Heller) and check whether you have all necessary access rights
- Lab tour, claim coat + bench space
- Informal safety briefing (including “unwritten rules of the lab”)
- Arrange a tour of other facilities (e.g. sequencer, Zentrallager, old ZMBH → see list in wiki)
- Get access to lab documents (elab, ordering list, hkdb, damaris → see wiki)
- Get access to equipment booking systems (e.g. sequencer, microscopes)
- Get intro to data transfer from equipment (e.g. Fragment Analyser)
- Get introductions to equipment when you use them for the first time
- Ask questions whenever you have them
/opt/bitnami/dokuwiki/data/pages/onboarding/wet_lab/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 10:07 by celine