Meet Céline and Julia (INF329, 1st floor, far left door)
Meet other wetlab people (teaching lab & Duarte Campos group, lab service, Angret)
Get keycard (from Sybille Heller) and check whether you have all necessary access rights
Lab tour, claim coat + bench space
Informal safety briefing (including “unwritten rules of the lab”)
Arrange a tour of other facilities (e.g. sequencer, Zentrallager, old ZMBH → see list in wiki)
Get access to lab documents (elab, ordering list, hkdb, damaris → see wiki)
Get access to equipment booking systems (e.g. sequencer, microscopes)
Get intro to data transfer from equipment (e.g. Fragment Analyser)
Get introductions to equipment when you use them for the first time
Ask questions whenever you have them