====== SDS@HD Speichervorhaben (SV) ====== Our actively used data, such as raw sequencing data and processed data are generally stored on the [[https://www.urz.uni-heidelberg.de/en/service-catalogue/storage/sdshd-scientific-data-storage|SDS@HD service of the University]]. ===== Registration for the SV ===== You will first need a university ID, then you can register for the access to our data storage service at: https://bwservices.uni-heidelberg.de/ Use acronym: sd17d003, password: f4XFIrMNn ===== SD17D003 ===== SD17D003 is the ID of our Speichervorhaben (SV), under which our data are stored. [[servers:sds-inventory|Inventory SD17D003]] ==== Data structure ==== We can broadly classify our data as raw data and processed data. Raw data include e.g. the output of the sequencing runs, or raw images. Processed data are results of (pre-)proccessing steps (filtering, alignments) and analyses (tables, R/Python objects). === Raw data === * Sequencing raw data are stored in the subfolder **NextSeq**; This folder should only contain folders of sequencing runs, usually named in the format of the NextSeq sequencer (e.g. 240209_NB551333_0109_AH2HHLBGXW) and the results of the demultiplexing, which are by default stored within the sequencing run folders. === Processed data === * CellRanger results or more generally alignments of single cell or single nucleus sequencing data are stored in the subfolder **SingleNucDB**. The data there should be organized by organism and then organ, if possible (e.g. SingleNucDB/HUM/Ovary/). * Results of the snATAC-seq pipeline created by Ioannis and Nils are stored in the **pipeliner/atac** subfolder. The data are organized by project. FIXME Is this still in use, should it be somehow integrated with the SingleNucDB? FIXME Guidelines for storing data and naming conventions. FIXME A section for data stored by (previous) lab members, with descriptions of content. ===== Backup data ===== All data in the SDS is backed up on a daily basis and stored in snapshots. These can be accessed from the sds/sd17d003 folder by accessing the **hidden directory .snapshots**. Users can access older versions of the storage and retrieve/copy any files they may want to recover.